COVID-19 and intellectual disabilities

Coronavirus and people with learning disabilities study: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with learning disabilities and factors associated with better outcomes (Waves 1-3)
This survey examined how people with learning disabilities coped with the unfolding events during the COVID pandemic, from December 2020 to summer 2021. Participants were recruited from Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In Scotland, researchers at the University of Glasgow worked alongside SCLD (Scottish Commission for Learning Disabilities) and PAMIS (Promoting a More Inclusive Society). The survey questions were informed by people with learning disabilities and family carers, who were part of the research team.
Read about this project here.

Coronavirus and people with learning disabilities study: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with learning disabilities (Wave4)
This project is a follow up to the Coronavirus and people with learning disabilities study that tracked the experiences of approximately 800 adults with learning disabilities through the COVID-19 pandemic.
We went back to the people, family carers and support workers across the UK who took part in the original project. We kept some of the central questions the same (for example, health and wellbeing; access to health and social care services) to find out people's experiences over time and added new ones in consultation with people with learning disabilities, family carers and policy makers. Read more about this project here.