Population size is 5,295,403
- Learning disabilities
- Autism
Once every 10 years the Scottish Government holds a national census to provide a snapshot of all the people in Scotland on one night. For the first time, Scotland's Census 2011 (on 27.3.11), gave people the chance to say whether or not they had learning disabilities and/or autism. This provides a unique opportunity to analyse and present information about people with learning disabilities and people known to have autism, compared with the whole population. You can search the data from Scotland's Census, 2011 on this website.
If you have an enquiry related to Scotland's Census 2011, you can contact National Records of Scotland by following this link.
Population characteristics
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born in the UK
Christian faith
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are white
speak English only at home
Summary information
0.5% of people in Scotland have learning disabilities, that's 26,349 people
5,234 children and 21,115 adults have learning disabilities
15,149 males and 11,200 females have learning disabilities
15.2% of people with learning disabilities rate their health as very good, compared with 52.5% of all people and 24.0% of people with learning disabilities rate their health as very bad, compared with 1.3% of all people
11.7% of adults with learning disabilities have paid employment, compared with 57.7% of all adults; 57.3% of adults with learning disabilities are long-term sick or disabled, compared with 4.8% of all adults in Scotland
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