In the whole population of Fife, 0.7% of people are known to have autism. The prevalence of autism in the 0-15 age group is 2.2%. This reflects availability of diagnostic services for autism, which have improved considerably over the last two decades.
Population size is 365,198
- Learning disabilities
- Autism
Population characteristics
Summary information
2,635 people are known to have autism; that's 0.7% of people
286 girls and 1,133 boys aged 0-15 are known to have autism, that is 0.9% of all girls and 3.4% of all boys aged 0-15
160 girls and 560 boys aged 16-24 are known to have autism, that is 0.7% of all girls and 2.7% of all boys aged 16-24
1,419 children and 1,216 adults are known to have autism
611 females and 2,024 males are known to have autism
37.9% of people known to have autism rate their health as very good, compared with 50.8% of all people; 2.1% of people known to have autism rate their health as very bad, compared with 1.2% of all people
33.4% of people known to have autism live in social rented accommodation, compared with 18.1% of all people
Did you know
of people known to have autism in Fife were born in the UK
Did you know
of people known to have autism in Fife speak only English at home

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