Forth Valley: Health
Population size is 297,636
- Learning disabilities
- Autism
Health status
All people | |||
Health status | Female | Male | Total |
Very good | 78,122 | 77,055 | 155,177 |
Good | 46,861 | 43,265 | 90,126 |
Fair | 19,296 | 16,318 | 35,614 |
Bad | 6,487 | 5,516 | 12,003 |
Very bad | 1,850 | 1,560 | 3,410 |
Total | 152,616 | 143,714 | 296,330 |
People Learning disabilities | |||||
Female | Male | Total | |||
69 | 12.2% | 115 | 14.6% | 184 | 13.6% |
201 | 35.6% | 317 | 40.4% | 518 | 38.4% |
209 | 37.1% | 253 | 32.2% | 462 | 34.2% |
54 | 9.6% | 70 | 8.9% | 124 | 9.2% |
31 | 5.5% | 30 | 3.8% | 61 | 4.5% |
564 | 100.0% | 785 | 100.0% | 1,349 | 100.0% |
People Learning disabilities | ||||||
Health status | Female | Male | Total | |||
Very good | 69 | 12.2% | 115 | 14.6% | 184 | 13.6% |
Good | 201 | 35.6% | 317 | 40.4% | 518 | 38.4% |
Fair | 209 | 37.1% | 253 | 32.2% | 462 | 34.2% |
Bad | 54 | 9.6% | 70 | 8.9% | 124 | 9.2% |
Very bad | 31 | 5.5% | 30 | 3.8% | 61 | 4.5% |
Total | 564 | 100.0% | 785 | 100.0% | 1,349 | 100.0% |
Health status
Health status
Other health conditions
Number of other conditions
Health limitations
People with learning disabilities very good/good health
Summary information
52.0% of people with learning disabilities in Forth Valley rate their health as good/very good, compared to 82.8% of people without learning disabilities in Forth Valley
Health ratings are 6th highest for Forth Valley compared with all health boards
In Forth Valley 52.0% of people with learning disabilities rate their health as good/very good compared with 50.2% of people with learning disabilities for Scotland
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