Psychological therapies

The PETAL intervention
Although aggressive challenging behaviour is highly prevalent in adults with intellectual disability (e.g., 10-25% of adults with mild to severe intellectual disability display aggression), at the moment, there is not a consistent approach to the management of aggression in this population. This randomised controlled trial aims to investigate whether a new multi-component, personalised psychosocial intervention is clinically and cost-effective to address aggression (e.g., improved health, better quality of life) in adults with intellectual disability. Read about this project here.

BeatIt2: Behavioural Activation for Depression
Depression is common in people with intellectual disabilities, but no psychological interventions have been tested to see if they work for adults with severe and profound intellectual disabilities. Jahoda et al. (2017) conducted a trial of an adapted behavioural activation intervention for depression (BeatIt) in adults with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities. The current project aimed to evaluate the feasibility of modifying the BeatIt therapy for depressed adults with severe and profound intellectual disabilities and to collect the information needed to design a full-scale study. Read more about this project here.