Privacy notice

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018 

Please click here for an Easy Read summary about GDPR

The Scottish Learning Disabilities Observatory is part of the University of Glasgow.

This privacy notice explains how we use any personal information you provide when joining our database or registering for updates on our website.

What information do we collect:

We will only collect the information we require to process your request.

We will not share your details with any third parties either within or outwith the University of Glasgow.

How will we use the information you provide:

We will use your personal data to contact you regarding the work of the Scottish Learning Disabilities Observatory.  This will include:

  • Sending you a copy of our electronic newsletter
  • Inviting you to events that are being hosted by the Observatory
  • Informing you of other related events or information of interest

Lawful basis for processing your data:

We must have a legal basis for processing all personal data.  In this instance the legal basis is consent.  We will only contact you if you have given us your permission to do so.

Retention of data:

We retain your personal data for as long as necessary to provide you with information on our work or for the duration of the Scottish Learning Disabilities Observatory work programme.

Your rights:

You have the right to request a copy of the personal data we hold about you.  You can request that we rectify, restrict or delete your personal data at any time.