Lanarkshire: Health
Population size is 574,637
- Learning disabilities
- Autism
All people | ||||||
Age | Female | Male | Total | |||
Very good | 166,694 | 49.5% | 164,347 | 52.8% | 331,041 | 51.1% |
Good | 97,113 | 28.9% | 89,133 | 28.6% | 186,246 | 28.7% |
Fair | 48,161 | 14.3% | 37,996 | 12.2% | 86,157 | 13.3% |
Bad | 18,791 | 5.6% | 15,177 | 4.9% | 33,968 | 5.2% |
Very bad | 5,771 | 1.7% | 4,877 | 1.6% | 10,648 | 1.6% |
Total | 336,530 | 100.0% | 311,530 | 100.0% | 648,060 | 100.0% |
All people | |||
Age | Female | Male | Total |
Very good | 166,694 | 164,347 | 331,041 |
Good | 97,113 | 89,133 | 186,246 |
Fair | 48,161 | 37,996 | 86,157 |
Bad | 18,791 | 15,177 | 33,968 |
Very bad | 5,771 | 4,877 | 10,648 |
Total | 336,530 | 311,530 | 648,060 |
People known to have autism | ||||||
Age | Female | Male | Total | |||
Very good | 205 | 26.0% | 995 | 36.7% | 1,200 | 34.3% |
Good | 278 | 35.3% | 945 | 34.9% | 1,223 | 35.0% |
Fair | 189 | 24.0% | 540 | 19.9% | 729 | 20.8% |
Bad | 73 | 9.3% | 158 | 5.8% | 231 | 6.6% |
Very bad | 42 | 5.3% | 72 | 2.7% | 114 | 3.3% |
Total | 787 | 100.0% | 2,710 | 100.0% | 3,497 | 100.0% |
People known to have autism | |||
Age | Female | Male | Total |
Very good | 205 | 995 | 1,200 |
Good | 278 | 945 | 1,223 |
Fair | 189 | 540 | 729 |
Bad | 73 | 158 | 231 |
Very bad | 42 | 72 | 114 |
Total | 787 | 2,710 | 3,497 |
Health status
Health status
Other health conditions
Number of other conditions
Health limitations
People known to have autism with good/very good health
69.3% of people known to have autism rate their health as good/very good, compared with 79.8% of people without autism
14.5% of people known to have autism have 3 or more conditions compared with 13.7% for Scotland
In Lanarkshire, 69.3% of people known to have autism rate their health as good/very good, compared with 72.0% for Scotland
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