Research for Everyone

Animations, Podcasts and Infographics
Here you can watch, read and listen to the new animations, infographics and podcasts co-created by people with learning disabiltities and researchers at the University of Glasgow to help make complex health research easier to understand. The animations and infographics were made with the help of the award-winning Media Co-op and our podcasts were produced by Fresh Air Studios.
We hope you enjoy them. Please share them widely using #ResearchForEveryone23 and let us know what you think by completing either the digital survey or downloading the Easy Read survey below.
You can view the 2-minute animations at the links below:
We have BSL versions of each one available at the links below :
Cancer and mental health - BSL version
Football and brain disease - BSL version
You can also view the 1-page infographics here
And why not take a short break, relax and listen to our 2 podcasts? Both episodes are available via Spotify and Apple Podcasts at the links below:
Research for Everyone, from the University of Glasgow | Podcast on Spotify
Research for Everyone, from the University of Glasgow - Apple Podcasts
Please tell us what you think about these new resources via this short online survey
You could be in with a chance of winning a £50 voucher!
Easy Read survey
You can download an Easy Read survey here.
Don't forget to share them on social media using #ResearchForEveryone23

About Research for Everyone
We believe everyone has the right to useful, meaningful health information. The aim of this project is to make complex health research easier to understand for as many people as possible.
This project is led by people with learning disabilities and researchers at the University of Glasgow. Our aim is that people with diverse communications needs and the wider public have access to information that may be of interest or importance to them (e.g. new science or health information about brain disease or cancer).
Learn more about Research for Everyone here.